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CidiLabs DesignPLUS User Guide

DesignPLUS was developed to help you create and style course content. DesignPLUS is comprised of rich content editor tools, the Multi-tool, and the Upload/Embed Image Tool.

Use the User Guide Modules in the following section of this page to go to a specific chapter.

User Guide Modules

DesignPLUS Release Notes Have Moved! 

DesignPLUS is an ever-evolving tool. We release brand new tools and features, upgrades to existing tools, and bug fixes on a biweekly basis.
For each release, we'll document all thats changing in our release notes in the new DesignPLUS Release Notes course

You can always find them quickly from within the Help tab of the Sidebar, or you can bookmark the new course:

DesignPLUS Release Notes