Mobile App Support

Reference Mobile App Support

Almost all of the features and functionality available in the DesignPLUS Sidebar are compatible with the Canvas Mobile Apps. This page lists the few exceptions.  Since the Canvas API is not accessible from the mobile app, exceptions occur when a feature needs the Canvas API to display information. 

Any tool that has mobile app exceptions will display the mobile icon with a red indicator in the tool heading.  If you click on this icon, a popup will inform you what the exceptions are.

mobile icon with red indicator on module list heading


Module List

Partial Support

The Module List is a quick and easy way to add links to your modules in Canvas. Those links act just like any other module link in Canvas. 

Feature Browser Behavior App Behavior

Module Links

Direct to course modules page and bring current module into focus.

Brings up list of items in the module using the default mobile app behavior.

Current Quick Links

Below the module list, DesignPLUS will build out a view of the current module like what is displayed on the modules page.

Quick links are not displayed below the list. Links can be clicked to see the module information using default mobile app behavior.

All Quick Links

List of links is transformed into a series of tabs containing the details of each module.

Basic list of links that can be clicked to see the module information using default mobile app behavior.

Progress Indicated by Completion

A checkmark will appear next to each module link for students if the student has completed the requirements for that module.

No checkmark will appear next to completed module links.

Locked Indicators

A lock icon will appear next to each module link for students if the module is currently locked in Canvas.

No lock icon will appear next to locked module links.


Progress Indicators

Not Supported

Progress Indicators can be added to the content to give a visual indication to students of where they are as they are working their way through a module. This API information needed is not available in the mobile app so progress bar placeholders are removed from the mobile app.

Custom CSS

Not Supported

Custom CSS can be added at the course level using the DesignPLUS Sidebar, but the mobile app does not import these files so the content will display without the custom styling.

Dialog Box

Adjusted Behavior

The creation of a Dialog Box in the mobile app was inconsistent between the teacher and student apps and neither was great. So, in the mobile app, modal dialogs become a variation of a popover so that the additional information is displayed next to the trigger.

Content Shortcuts

Not Supported

Content Shortcuts buttons and group list are not loaded in the mobile app because they require either URL parameters or the Canvas API to render correctly.