This Guide is for the legacy DesignPLUS sidebar (installed before July 2023). Visit the Current Admin Guide for information for newer installations or those who have upgraded.

March 3, 2020

Cidi Labs Design Tools Release Notes

March 3, 2020


One big change this month is actually behind the scenes. This update includes an update to the Cidi Labs AWS server that will provide some current processing updates but also includes one of the last steps needed for the release of a new Upload/Embed Image tool which we hope to release later this month.

Another fun update is a new way to create and update links to existing Canvas content from within the Design Tools sidebar.

New Features

 Link to Existing Canvas Content

The new Canvas rich content editor does not support updating existing links to point to existing Canvas content without going out and copying the new URL. To help fill this gap, a new button has been added to the Add/Edit Navigation Block tool and the Link/Button tool to help create and update links that point to existing Canvas content.

new link to existing content option

 Fit Editor to Page Button

For those using the new rich content editor in Canvas, you may have noticed that when you try and edit content, the editor gets enormous and you have to scroll to see the toolbar.

This update includes a new button at the top of the toolbar, next to the fullscreen toggle that will reduce the size of the editor to fit the size of your browser window when clicked.

fit content button

This feature will only show up for those who have turned on the new rich content editor in Canvas.

Bug Fixes

 Editor Resizing in New RCE

Some tweaks were made to the code that resizes the new rich content editor in Canvas so that you can still drag the icon in the bottom right to resize the editor. This update will also make sure that the code view in Canvas is resized as well.

 Quotes in Module Builder Item Names

An issue has been resolved where single or double quotes used in the name of content built using the Module Builder would only grab the content before the quotation marks or would display the quotation marks as symbols (example: ' would show as ').

 Progress Bars on Pages with + or = in Page Name

Progress bars were reporting that a page was not in a module if there was a + or = sign in their name. It is possible that this might happen with other characters, if you see something like this, please let us know.

 Limit tools to on-campus course format Fixed: 02/06/2020 

The option to limit the tools to on-campus courses was updated to handle a Canvas API response that changed from "on-campus" to "on_campus". 

App-Only Hidden Gem UpdateFixed: 02/10/2020

The original kl_app_only class to make content only visible in the mobile app was set to only apply to divs but has been updated to allow that class to be added to any element.

 Remember User Title OverrideFixed: 02/12/2020

The Teacher/TA Details tool was updated so that a browser will remember overrides to the title input.