Module Builder
The Module Builder makes module creation more efficient. Instructors and course builders can create multiple modules at the same time. With the Module Builder, you can add template assignments, discussions, pages, and quizzes.
Module Builder Interface
The Module Builder Tools contains the following options:
- Module Prefix
- The Module Prefix option is the unit categorization for your modules. The Module Builder provides a number of terms from which to choose.
- Number of Modules to Create
- The Number of Modules option lets you specify how many modules will be created.
- Starting Number
- The Starting Number option determines the start number of the module (only visible if the course already has modules).
- Assignment
- The Assignment button adds an assignment to the list of module items.
- Discussion
- The Discussion button adds a discussion to the list of module items.
- Header
- Add a Text Header to the list of module items
- Page
- The Page button adds a content page to the list of module items.
- Quiz
- The Quiz button adds a quiz to the list of module items.
Create New Modules
The New Module Pattern is used to setup the number and arrangement of module items that will be customized before creating the modules.
To set a module pattern, follow these steps:
- On the course navigation menu, click Multi Tool.
- On the Multi Tool page, click Module Builder.
- On the Module Builder page, click Add New Modules.
- Select your options.
- Click Generate Module List.
- (Optional) Customize the module list.
- Click Add Modules to Course.
Update an Existing Module
To update an existing module, follow these steps:
- On the course navigation menu, click Multi Tool.
- On the Multi Tool page, click Module Builder.
- On the Module Builder page, select the module to update.
- Make desired changes
- Click Update This Module.
Adjust Item Settings
When adding an item to a new module or an existing module, there are a variety of settings you can specify.
The following outlines the available options and where they can be set.
- Indent Level - All
- The number field at the start of the module item sets the indent level that the item will appear in the modules page in Canvas.
- Include module information in name - All
- This checkbox will specify if the item will include the module identifier and the module number as part of the name when created. In the screenshot above, with the box checked the first item would be created with the name "Module 1: Assignment 1". If the box were unchecked, the first item would be created with the name "Assignment 1".
- Name - All
- This is the name of the item that will be created. If text is entered into the input, that will be used, otherwise it will use the placeholder text which is the type of item and a number. Created name will also include module information if the checkbox is checked.
- Template List - Assignment, Discussion, Page, Quiz
- Whether you have created templates using the Templates tool in the Multi-Tool or you have existing content in your course. The templates dropdown lists existing items that you can choose when creating a module item. Assignments, Discussions and Quizzes will pull in the description content added using the rich content editor as well as the majority of settings (threaded discussions, allow liking, one question at a time in quizzes, etc.). Pages will pull in the page content but not any settings.
Prior to the March 1, 2021 release, external LTI assignments (like New Quizzes) and grading rubrics are not copied due to limitations in the Canvas API. We were waiting on an update from Canvas before we could make it available.Quiz questions/question banks for classic quizzes will not copy due to a lack of API support and probably never will now that Canvas is moving to their New Quizzes tool. - Submission Type - Assignment
- Choose whether the assignment will be Online Submission, No Submission or On Paper Submission. Leave this at the default to pull whatever submission type is set for a template assignment.
- Point Value - Assignment, Discussion
- Specify the number of points the assignment or discussion will be worth.
- Display Grade as - Assignment, Discussion
- If a point value is specified, use this input to select if the grade will be Percentage, Complete/Incomplete, Points, Letter Grade or GPA Scale.
Save Progress
When you are setting up the module structure for a course, the progress will automatically save every few minutes so you do not loose your customizations. This allows you come back and continue building the course at a later period of time.
To make sure progress is saved before leaving the tool click the Save Progress button.
When you come back into the tool, previously saved content will be loaded. Content is not created inside your course until you choose Add Modules to Course.