Current User Guide for information for newer installations or those who have upgraded.
This Guide is for the legacy DesignPLUS sidebar (installed before July 2023). Visit the Set various HTML Attributes
With the HTML Attributes tool, you can adjust the id, class and style attributes of a selected element.
To adjust the HTML attributes of an element:
- Open the page for editing.
- Click Launch Design Tools.
- In the Design Tools menu, click Customize the Style.
- Click Current Element Style.
- Click the HTML Attributes tool to expand tool if needed.
- Place your cursor within the element to which you want to adjust the attributes.
- Use the Apply To controls if you want to target a parent element (hovering over buttons in the Apply To controls highlights that element in the content).
- Adjust the attributes as desired.
- On the content page, click Save.
Tip: You can click the button in the jump menu to jump right to the Current Element Style section.